DIFFERENT people have DIFFERENT taste
DIFFERENT people have DIFFERENT taste
DIFFERENT people have DIFFERENT taste
DIFFERENT people have DIFFERENT taste
DIFFERENT people have DIFFERENT taste
Some people like chocolate ice cream,
If you give an ice cream reviewer (who hate strawberries)
How do you get round this problem of PERSONAL TASTE ? The answer is quite simple, get MANY people to taste the strawberry
ice cream,
and the solution is the exactly the SAME ! Get MANY people to listen to the Hi Fi equipment,
This was ALWAYS done in the VERY OLD issues of Hi Fi Choice. It is quite an eye opener to read that
It is even more surprising,
But that is good, beacuse the reviwer is telling you that
Reviews by Listening Panels are BETTER,
If you cannot get Listening Panel Reviews in Hi Fi magazine,
The answer is go to
is a marvellous FREE website,
If you find that one piece of Hi Fi equipment has
If ALL the reviews are "too good to be true",
If ALL the reviews are terrible,
by asking you to read reviews that MIGHT have been tamped with, please answer me a few questions ? Have you read about a reviewer "visiting a foreign factory" to find out more about a fantastic new Hi Fi product ? Do you think that giving a Hi Fi Reviewer
Many Hi Fi Reviewers are "free lance". They write 3 or 4 pages of reviews a month. How much do you think these "free lance" reviewers earn ? £2,000 a year ? £5,000 a year ? Can these "free lance" reviewers be bribed to promote a piece of Hi Fi equipment, or "slag off" a competitor's equipment ? Some "free lance" reviewers are 100% honest,
How can you tell
The naive person, who says things like