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Trust me, I am a Hi Fi Reviewer ! ( Part 1 - Introduction )

Every year, thousands of consumers spend / waste thousands of pound / dollars on Hi Fi equipment,
based on the recommendations of "fashionable" Hi Fi Reviewers.

We chat a lot with some of our "nicer" customers,
and I get very annoyed at some of the outrageous and EXPENSIVE advice given to our customers,
by the "fashionable" Hi Fi Reviewers and "fashionable" Hi Fi shops.

Most of our customers are not wealthy, and they could have spend the money in better ways,
like buying CD's or putting the money in their bank.

I cannot read ALL the Hi Fi magazine of the WHOLE world,
so I cannot tell you who are the good Hi Fi reviewers in your part of the world.

However, we can give you examples of "good reviewing practice" and "bad reviewing practice"
of Hi Fi reviewers in English magazine and American magazines.
This will give you some idea of the quality of your local Hi Fi Reviewer.

This series of articles might save you a lot of money,
because you will be better equipped to
question the good (or bad) recommendations of your local Hi Fi Reviewer !


MOST Hi Fi Reviewers do NOT have a degree in Electronic Engineering.
So, how can they advise you in a complicated technical subject like Hi Fi ?

MOST Hi Fi Reviewers do NOT even know how to measure the distortion of an amplifier.
So, how can they advise you in a complicated technical subject like Hi Fi ?

MOST Hi Fi Reviewers makes technical mistakes in their reviews.
So, how can they advise you in a complicated technical subject like Hi Fi ?
I will point out some of these mistakes to you !

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