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Affordable Valve Company
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How does Affordable Valve Company valve / tube amplifier compare with other valve / tube amplifiers ?
19 December 2003 Comments : I have a pair of Quad 11 modified by Concordant over 10 yrs ago..Over the last year I have had some reliability probs,and now believe after 10 yrs revalving is needed .I am therefore thinking of replacing them..Your range looks great altho they are integrated and therefore my system would need some cable changes to suit. What would you reccomend to replace my Quads. I use qua 57 as speakers. Am looking for the smooth valve sound but should have good detailing and crisp treble.
We suggest that the big valves might need replacemsnt after 2 or 3 years
(for 3 hours use a day) (maybe 2,500 housr to 3,500 hours of hard use.
Longer, if you are not guitar players, who trashes their valves ! )
When the "bass slam" disappears, it is time to replace the valves.
Our integrated amplifiers are "loosely diguised" power amplifier with a "passive" volume control + "passive" selecrotr switch, WITHOUT horrivble remote control Integhraterd Circuits, that contains dozons of horiible transistors !
Most people are usally rude about most old "Control Unit" preampluifier
for the Quad II or Leak Stereo 20,
so it will be a worthwhile changing your cables. If you do not
believe me, read the "Classic Section" of Hi Fi World magazine !
One of our customers also had relaibility problem with his old Quad
Anything that is 40 year old will have reliabilty problems !
Even your 40 year old wife (or husband) will have relaiblity problems
This is his testimonial.
Turntable used was Garrard 401
& 301 & Rega RB300 & Audio Technica AT5 moving coil cartridge
Loudspeakers used was Spendor S6 (expensive) Customer's previous amplifier was Quad II & Denon AVC-A1SE How did the sound quality of our model EL34 Silver compare with your previous amplifier?
imagery, in fact better all round. The Denon is best left for AV only sound. Other comments (optional)
Mr A S of Stroud 2003
Why do you need to renovate Quad II amplifier ?
The big valves will last about 3 years. If you do not have enough
bass, try replacing the old valves.
The "typical" electrolytic capacitors will only last 2,000 hours at
85 degrees centigrade.
CD PLAYERS, TELEVISION, SATELLITE RECEIVERS, COMPUTERS, AND ALMOST ANY ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS ! Even if you buy a mint unused Quad II, you still need to change the
electrolytic capacitors !
The "traditional" carbon resistors can change it's resistance to half or double the original value. Even if you buy a mint unused Quad II, you still need to change the
resistors !
"Sensible" "no nonsense" replacement resistors only cost a few pence,
but the labour cost will be much more !
If you are lucky, it will cost about £150 for the work + £50
for the carriage for collection and delivery.
Reasons why our EL34 valve amplifier can compete with the Quad II valve amplifier. 1. Our EL34 valve amplifier is a 40 watt amplifier and the Quad II is
a 15 watt amplifier.
2. We use bigger "output transformer" and "fixed bias" to give twice
as much "bass power" and better bass control.
3. We use bigger "mains transformer" that runs cooler, and makes the sound just a little bit more "open", a little bit more natural, and less like "processed Hi Fi". It is not a huge difference, but it is 5 times more than any change of cable. Like Naim and "Border Patrol", we believe that we can improve
the sound by adding a more powerful power supply.
4. Like Musical Fidelity, we believe in "chokes" for the power supply.
Our amplifier have 1 Henry choke for the power supply. 1 Henry "choke"
is the "choke" equivalent to a gigantic 1,000,000 microfarad capacitor
5. Like Naim, we believe in the "shortest signal path", without bass controls, treble controls, balance control, etc. Our amplifier has the "shortest signal path", and it is essentially a "power amplifier" with a "passive" volume control and "passive" selector switch WITHOUT horrible remote control IC (Integrated Cuits) cinatining doezens of horrible transistors. Quad 22 preamplifier for the Quad II has bass control, treble control, balance control, filter, etc, which can affect the sound (even when you set these controls to neutral). Page 90 of the September 2003 Issue of "Hi Fi World" describe the Quad 22 preamplifier for Quad II as "cloudy and vague sound" I think that the reason for this adverse comment is the Quad 22 has a lot extra capacitors, extra resistors, extra wiring for the bass control, treble control, balance control and filter. I think that all of these extra components will affect the sound. 6. Like most modern valve amplifiers,
The "characteristic curves" for Pentodes looks suspiciously
like "chracterisc curse" for transistors !
Modern valbe amplifier connect up EL34 penthodes
in "unltra leaner" mode
7. The EL34 penthoide valves are connected in the "Ultra Linear" mode,
which makes it behave 50% as
good as a Triode valve.
8. PROFESSIONALLY RESTORED Quad II will sound better than many transistor
Our EL34 valve amplifier is a 40 watt amplifier and
is much more powerful than the Quad II.
What about the new Quad II-Forty valve amplifier ? Most modern valve amplifiers use "triode valves" for the "input and
driver valves",
Quad II Forty uses "pentode valves" for the "input and driver valves".
Before you spend £4,000 on the new Quad II-Forty valve amplifier, it would be a good idea to compare the new Quad II-Forty with valve amplifiers from E.A.R. , Conrad Johnson, Audio Research and Affordable Valve Company. You also have to check that if preamplifier of the new Quad II Forty
Shocking news for ardent Quad fans.
If Hi Fi World describe the 15 watt Quad II as low powered, is your amplifier powerful enough ? The 15 watt Quad II has medium sized transformer can produce 23 watts in the middle frequencies. Unfortunately, the medium sized transformer can only produce
The loudest instrument on your CD is usually the Bass drum, so you need "bass power". Our valve amplifier will produce about twice as
much "bass power" as the Quad II,
Please read the review from the customer with the
Continued exposure to loud music will cause permanent
damage to your ears.
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